LARA Leadership Learning Modules

LARA Laser Leadership Learning Modules

Targeted leadership refresher and learning modules

LARA Laser Leadership Learning Series. These are a series of individual short leadership modules published on Amazon Kindle. They are organised against the Leader of Others leadership competencies.

Like concentrated fruit juice – the water has been taken out to give you the heart of the subject. Where there are pithy additions you need for your study these are available from a dedicated online resource on a ‘just in time’ basis. This means you can concentrate on the essence of the leadership skills subject you are studying with the full confidence that your additional learning needs are catered for. Here is where you can accelerate your leadership skills development. Select one or more modules based on your current needs. Come back for more in the future. The choice is yours. The modules are designed for first and second level leaders: Leaders of Others, who manage Individual Contributors; and Leaders of Leaders, who manage both Leaders of Others and Individual Contributors.

Module Anatomy

Each module is organised according to the LARA model – Learning for self-study and reference to external resource material; Applying by testing the competencies in the leadership role; Reflecting on successes using the Leadership Learning Log; Adopting and embedding by using the competencies in daily work. They can be used as a stand-alone learning resource or in collaboration with a Leadership Coach to facilitate and reinforce learning.

The general learning aims for each module are described in a leadership competency framework. Your personal learning aims are reflected in a PDP you agree with your Leadership Coach. Throughout each module there are references to additional resources you may wish to study. These are available from the Coaches Toolkit. You will find this toolkit under ‘Subscriber Resource Pages’ on this Leadership Coach Blog. It’s free to subscribe to this Blog.


The modules work best as part of an active leadership development coaching program. Of course you can study them as a stand-alone learning resource. However you will accelerate your learning by using the modules as a platform for working with your Leadership Coach.


Trevor Sherman is an Author, Blogger and Coach.

As an author he develops leadership training material and personal learning modules. Trevor is the owner and operator of the Leadership Coach Blog. He coaches senior executives for development, performance and for role transition. He is based in the UK and operates globally – both in person and through technology.

Over the last 20 years Trevor has run thousands of assessment, feedback, training, follow-up and coaching sessions. All that insight, knowledge and experience has been condensed into these LARA Leadership Learning modules.


Here is an Excel tool to help you decide which of the ten LARA Leadership Learning modules are your current development priority. MPV360 Leadership Assessment. Firstly, use this as a self-assessment. If you then want the full 360 view send the assessment to your manager, up to three peers and to up to five of your direct reports.

Coming soon – an Excel analysis tool for you to get the full 360 experience.


  • Communicating with Impact Content: Delivers clear messages; Pays attention to others; Presents with impact; Creates concise written communication.
  • Cultural Interpersonal Effectiveness Content: Demonstrates inclusive behaviour; Values cultural differences; Conveys respect; Remains flexible.
  • Building Positive Working Relationships Content: Projects authority and credibility; Clarifies information; Establishes shared goals; Cultivates an active network; Establishes a positive climate.


  • Coaching for Performance Content: Clarifies performance; Creates opportunities; Uses structure (GROW); Applies Tools; Provides support.
  • Leadership Influencing Content: Seizes influencing opportunities; Makes a strong case; Adjusts approach; Questions for understanding; Advocates to business or organisational needs; Drives to outcomes.
  • Team Development Content: Builds team; Establishes team expectations; Clarifies roles, responsibilities and objectives; Encourages team; Monitors team performance; Integrates to organisation.
  • Driving Execution Content: Focuses on key tasks; Establishes communication strategy; Creates accountability for execution; Ensures capacity, skills and readiness; Shows persistence; Aligns systems and process; Creates metrics.


  • Operational Decision Making Content: Obtains information; Organizes information; Completes analysis; Generates and considers alternatives; Makes sound decisions; Gets commitment; Solves problems.
  • Mobilising Available Resources Content: Prioritises; Develops and considers alternatives; Co-ordinates resources.
  • Driving for Results Evaluates opportunities; Sets stretch goals; Achieves goals; Stays focused.


‘Personal Attributes’ will be published in 2021.

  • Self-Insight Content: Seeks feedback; Self-assesses; Understands impact; Shows sensitivity.
  • Leadership Agility Content: Adapts to change; Remains effective.
  • Executive Disposition Content: Advocates for organisation; Manages stress; Has impact.


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