Trevor Sherman: Author, Blogger and Coach.
What do I do? I develop leadership training material and personal learning modules. I am the owner and operator of this Blog. I coach senior executives for their development and role transition. I am based in Northamptonshire UK and operate globally – in person and through technology.
My top skills according to my LinkedIn endorsements are:
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Development
- Performance Management
- Workshop Facilitation
Here’s is a selection of recommendations from my LinkedIn profile:
“Trevor has been a significant enabler of results through effective coaching of our operations leaders globally. He has not only coached them, but has made them better coaches of their teams, magnifying the effect”. [Copenhagen]
“I consider myself a very fortunate professional to have had the opportunity of having Trevor as my leadership coach. Trevor was primordial in my transition to different leadership positions and strongly helped me building a solid base to move up in my career. Leadership coaching is a continuous journey and I am happy to have Trevor close to me. Based on my experience, I honestly recommend Trevor as coach for those who are ambitious professionals in pursuit of ways to boost their career in a solid and consistent manner”. [Mumbai]
“Mr. Sherman and the program he ran completely changed our way of managing business in our business unit – in an extremely positive way. He is certainly a master in the field of professional coaching, and he has inspired not only the management of our business unit, but also the middle level managers, to think and act differently when the company was, is and will be challenged to deliver significant improvement every year. The program and its material were tailor made for our company, but more importantly, it was the person who made all the difference. It has been a true privilege to be coached and mentored by Mr. Sherman”. [Shanghai]
“We have launched in Maersk Egypt a Coaching Program including Coaching for Performance, Coaching for Development, and Coaching for Potential through Trevor Sherman. It also covered Train-the-Trainer for a number of our Senior Leaders. I believe the coaching journey we’ve started in January 2012 has well contributed to highly engaged teams and a world class management effectiveness, which we have in our organization. When looking at the specific scores related to questions like ‘My manager helps me develop and use my potential’, ‘Feedback I get from my manager has been helpful’, and others – I can only relate that to an elevated leadership effectiveness through coaching. It was a great learning experience for our leaders – a well-recognized return on investment.” [Cairo]
The Leadership Coach Blog
I’ve come to blogging because I have so much coaching and leadership resource material I have developed and used over many years, I thought it was time to share it. Indeed, colleagues and friends have urged me to blog and share. So here I am.
LARA Laser Leadership Modules
I have developed a series of targeted leadership refresher and learning modules. The LARA model is:
Learning for self-study and reference to external resource material; Applying by testing the competencies in the leadership role; Reflecting on successes using the Leadership Learning Log; Adopting and embedding by using the competencies in daily work.
They are a quick to read, just in time, practical, ‘how to’, vertically targeted leadership refresher and learning modules. They are for Leaders of Others – that is, the first level of leaders who manage Individual Contributors (the people who do the work and deal with customers). They can be used as a stand-alone learning resource or in collaboration with a Leadership Coach to facilitate and reinforce learning. There are ten modules. They are available on Amazon as Kindle e-books and paperbacks.
Business Education
- DDI Assessment Management System (2008)
- DDI Focus Coaching (2006)
- DDI Global Leadership Inventories (Hogans) psychometrics (2004)
- DDI Global Solution executive assessment (2004)
- Wilson Learning Train-the-Trainer (2000)
- BS 5750 (ISO9000) Lead Assessor (1992)
- CMG Measuring Customer Satisfaction (USA – 1990)
- Sundridge Park Senior Executive Programme (1988)
- Sundridge Park Principles of Effective Management (1987)
- GEC Sales Management Training (1974)
- British Olivetti Sales Training (1971)
- Courtaulds Management Trainee (1969)
Career Roles
- The Sherman Partnership – Owner (1994/now)
- Aegis Communication & Training – Shareholding Director (1991/94)
- Carlson Marketing UK (Division of Carlson Companies Inc.):
- General Manager PA-Carlson Communication & Training (1987/91)
- Operations Director (1985/87)
- Group Account Director (1984/85)
- Account Director (1981/83)
- Amway (UK) Limited – Regional Sales & Marketing Manager (1978/81)
- GEC-Reliance Systems – Sales Team Leader (1974/78)
- British Olivetti – Special Accounts Sales (1971/73)
- Kayser Bondor (Division of Courtaulds) – Management Trainee (1969/70)
Consultancy Roles
Leadership Training:
- Developing & Conducting Training Needs Assessments (TNA)
- Developing Trainer Guides and Support Materials
- Delivering Train-the-Trainer Workshops
- Developing Case Studies & Simulation Exercises
- Training Event Management
- Training Material Development
- Senior Executive Group Workshop & Event Facilitation
- Learning Tests, Quizzes & Questionnaires
- Training Evaluation
Executive Assessment & Coaching:
- Executive Assessment – assessment centres, work place observation & structured interviews
- Facilitated 360 Feedback & Personal Development Planning
- Senior Executive Coaching – including face-to-face, telephone and email
- Facilitator for Leading Others and Leading Leaders leadership pipeline transition programmes.
Proprietary Programs
- Coaching Master Class – 16 week program for senior executives for embedding coaching practice: includes workbooks, facilitator guides, train-the-trainer resources for cascading within organisations and coach-the-coach follow up and reinforcement (now at major version 4)
- Coaching for Potential – half-day supplement to the Coaching Master Class for senior executives
- Self-Study Personal Learning Modules published on Amazon – Team Development, Communicating with Impact, Leadership Influencing, Driving Execution, Leadership Coaching, Building Positive Working Relationships, Driving for Results, Operational Decision Making, Cultural Interpersonal Effectiveness & Coaching for Performance.